الثلاثاء، 6 أغسطس 2013

Should lululemon Limit Plus-Sized Apparel?

confidenceDo you shop at lululemon? If you wear a size 10 or larger, some insiders say that your shopping experience at the active apparel store might be unproductive.? According to the Huffington Post, lululemon limits the number of plus sized pieces that they display or stock in store.? Former store employers told the Post reporter that "the largest sizes -- the 10s and the 12s --were relegated to a separate area at the back of the store, left clumped and unfolded under a table."

If you are a plus-sized shopper, how does that make you feel?? If you walk into a store that clearly caters to petite bodies do you walk out and find another retailer or does it bother you enough to say something to an employee?? Of course, lululemon isn't the only clothing store that targets smaller customers.? Abercrombie & Fitch and several others have been in hot water with consumers over similar issues.

The clothing issue is just one more spoke in the wheel regarding treatment of overweight or obese people.? There have been battles with airlines, issues over the use of the word "fat, " and now some hard feelings over the recent decision of American Medical Association to call obesity a disease.? It comes down to questions about whether treating overweight people differently is accommodation or discrimination.? What do you think?? Join the conversation on my Facebook page or post a comment below.

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