الجمعة، 22 فبراير 2013

Welcome to the Alphabiotic Balance Center, Los Angeles

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You only have to turn on your television and watch any commercial pushing another drug to see how out of control the health 'care' system has become. I keep thinking I'm watching an episode of 'Saturday Night Live' when they list all the side effects. However, there is nothing funny about it! The FDA will approve anything if the price is right, without caring about the long term consequences. So let me get this right: You want me to accept 10 different dangerous side effects to help me lower my blood sugar levels? Here's an idea...how about funding commercials that let people know how to lower their blood sugar levels naturally? Oh right, there's no money in that. Here's another idea: A commercial that educates people on what pain is. Perhaps explaining that pain is a good thing, and that it is our bodies natural way of communicating to us that there is a problem. It is our internal warning sign and if we ignore it by pumping ourselves full of synthetic drugs, we are only going to spiral down towards a premature death. We live in extremely stressful times and it is long proven that stress is the cause of most, if not all pain and disease. We are wired in a very specific way. Constant low level stress causes a stress pattern within our brains and our bodies follow accordingly. We lateralize into our dominant brain hemisphere causing the other hemisphere to become passive. Being that our right hemisphere controls the left side of our body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side of our body, this creates an imbalance muscularly as well as structurally. The passive side shows weakness and the overly active, stressed side shows tension. Of course pain comes next. Walking around in this out of balance state creates further problems the longer we leave it. Every step we take in this state puts a massive load on our bodies. The longer we ignore the warning signs, the worse it gets and the further we spiral away from health. We are either in a state of repair or a state of degeneration. We are self healing beings and when put back in balance and homeostasis, we will repair and heal. It is sad and unfortunate that we live in a society that is so quick to shut the communication out with drugs and surgery. Drugs become more drugs, and surgeries become more surgeries. The average American home has at least five or more different drugs in their home and yet we are the most unhealthy country in the world. We have been told for years that an aspirin a day is good for us. What a joke! Let me get this right...were we created with an aspirin deficiency? When are we going to wake up and take a stand against the corruption? When are we as Americans going to stop supporting the corporate medical system? This is easier said than done, because we are essentially drug addicts that have to rely on the drugs to get through our day. Is it because we are too lazy to look for alternatives? Or are we simply not educated about natural ways to get back to health? If we can 'exist' in out of balanced, unhealthy bodies, imagine how we can 'live' in balanced, healthy bodies, free of drugs. It is my belief that in years to come, we will look back at the barbaric system we were forced into. Holistic medicine is moving more and more to the fore front every day in some of the big cities which is good news, considering that the middle of the country generally follows trends set by bigger cities. There are many ways of taking our health back but it is up to us to go out and search for what works best. To find out more about the effects of stress, go to http://www.AlphabioticBalance.com

Dr. Bruce Fulford D.A, Ph.D is an Alphabioticist and has his practice in Venice & Hollywood CA.

The revolutionary and scientifically validated holistic, preventive wellness system called Alphabiotics, instantly releases stress in the brain and the body, causing a profound effect on your health.

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